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info@must.edu.eg +202- 38247455 – 38247456 – 38247457 – 16878

College of Engineering

About College

The College of Engineering – Misr University for Science & Technology was established in1996, to serve Egypt, the Arab countries, and the region by preparing the graduates to carry out their responsibilities taking into consideration our heritage in an industrialized world with a great number of challenging problems. Hence, an engineering graduate is well suited to help in achieving his country’s goals. The college of engineering is working hard to develop professional engineers who can lead economic development in a responsible manner towards society and the environment.

The College has a lot of labs, workshops, training rooms, teaching rooms, halls of seminars, and conferences at a high level of quality to satisfy the needs of our students and the educational process. There are training places for the teaching staff, cooperating members, and employees of the faculty. All these human resources and capabilities are geared to serve the educational process and research. They work in harmony and coordination at the highest level.

Academic Departments and Programs

The college consists of the following departments, and each department teaches subjects that fall within its specialization:
1) Department of Construction Engineering.
2) Department of Architectural Engineering.
3) Department of Mechanical Engineering.
4) Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.
5) Department of Computer and Software Engineering
6) Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
7) Department of Biomedical Engineering.
8) Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering
9) Department of Mechatronics Engineering.
10) Department of Basic Sciences.

A total of 182 credit hours are needed for graduation.


Department of Mechanical Engineering


        Mechanical engineering may be the most diverse of the engineering fields, embracing many subfields and affecting all aspects of our lives. Today one of the challenges of mechanical engineers is to invent efficient, low-cost machines that use the fewest possible natural resources to improve the lives of people throughout the world. Moreover, the mechanical engineer should strive both to serve the needs of society without unduly damaging the environment, and to produce devices and systems that use energy and material resources efficiently.

        The mechanical engineering program stresses the role of engineers in planning, creating machines, devices and systems, and skillful management of projects. Emphasis is placed on the generation, conversion, transmission and utilization of mechanical and thermal energy including the design, manufacturing, and operation of the related mechanical devices. The theme of education sharpens the student skills in communication, teamwork, and usage of computers and information technology. Specific humanity concerns are also highlighted. Non-Engineering electives are also available in the field of Economics, Business, Accounting and History.


Department Vision:

               The department’s vision is to be a pioneer in the fields of mechanical engineering and to provide highly qualified graduates who are able to support society and produce research at an international level.

Department Mission:

        The department is committed to providing high-quality education covering a wide range of mechanical engineering fields to prepare a graduate capable of effectively applying engineering knowledge in evaluating, designing, operating and maintaining mechanical systems. It also aims to produce applied research that contributes to solving community problems.


Strategic Objectives:

  • Graduating students with the technical skills and knowledge necessary to design, install, operate, maintain and inspect mechanical systems and energy systems in various governmental, public and industrial sectors.
  • Providing students with the skills needed to utilize mathematical, modern experimental, data analysis, and computational techniques; and information technology in problem solving.
  • Developing skills relevant to the engineering design process, including students’ abilities to formulate problems, think creatively, and gather information, as practiced regionally and globally.
  • Developing oral and written communication skills, as well as the ability to work effectively in teams.
  • Integrating academic learning with practical experience, in order to enhance professional development, career planning, ability to adapt to different work environments and to engage in lifelong self-learning.
  • Providing students with an understanding of ethics, professional responsibilities, and the role of the engineer in society, taking into account the economic, environmental and cultural impact.

Department of Construction Engineering


               Construction Engineering program provides graduates with the skills to design components of construction engineering to achieve desired goals. Graduates are expected to think creatively, gather information, and devise practical solutions to design problems they face. The aim of the program is for graduates to be able to work effectively individually, as well as in multidisciplinary teams with the ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Graduates may also develop their knowledge of important current technologies in construction engineering. The student is expected to gain proficiency in the use of modern engineering techniques and tools, with an emphasis on the role of computers and information technology in engineering. The program provides graduates with a broad education in construction engineering as well as other technical and non-technical disciplines that serve the specialization. By the end of the program, the graduate will have the ability to understand the impact of construction engineering and technology on society in a global and social context, including various environmental issues. The student will also develop an understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.  

Department Vision:

               The Department of Construction Engineering aspires to occupy a recognized leading position at the local, regional and international levels, and to provide an effective and renewable educational program that keeps pace with the requirements of the labor market.

Department Mission:

               The construction engineering program is committed to graduating distinguished engineers qualified to meet the needs of the labor market. It also aims to develop the capabilities of faculty members and their assistants and provide applied research to serve community institutions.

Strategic Objectives:

  • Providing a high-quality educational level that prepares graduates for a life-long learning experience, and the program provides graduates with the skills necessary to design building engineering components to achieve the desired goals.
  • Enabling graduates to develop their knowledge of current technologies that are important in construction engineering.
  • Providing graduates with a broad education in construction engineering in addition to other technical and non-technical disciplines that serve the specialization.
  • Enabling graduates to understand the impact of construction engineering and technology on society in a global and social context, including various environmental issues.
  • Developing oral and written communication skills, as well as the ability to work effectively in teams.
  • Integrating academic learning with practical experience, to enhance professional development, career planning, ability to adapt to different work environments and to engage in lifelong self-learning.
  • Providing students with an understanding of ethics, professional responsibilities, and the role of the engineer in society, taking into account the economic, environmental and cultural impact.

Department of Architectural Engineering


            The department of Architecture is interested in providing a distinguished education for students so that they can serve the state and restore the Egyptian role in building global civilization. Architectural education prepares students for professional practice, research, education, industry, and government services as it relates to the design of the physical environment. The central issue in architecture engineering is the quality of human resources and, therefore, how to accommodate a diverse and complex variety of activities. The needs of the people, the context of the building and the influence of natural forces all must be considered as major factors included in any structure design. Create structures that are not only aesthetically pleasing and technically sound, but also act as agents of development and integration within communities. This is underlined by a curriculum that maintains a reasonable balance between using emerging digital design methods and education, meeting professional requirements, and creating a human and sustainable contextual awareness.


Department Vision:

            The architectural department seeks to prepare distinguished engineers who contribute to building a knowledge society by offering a high-quality program in architecture and planning suitable for the local and international market.

Department Mission:

The architectural department provides a high-quality education to advance the profession of architecture, urban design and planning. The department is committed to developing state of high-quality architecture and planning for the local and international job market.

Strategic Objectives:

  • Providing high quality education that prepares students to assume professional roles in architecture by offering sound knowledge in design theories and applications, building technology, social, cultural and environmental factors, and the application of information technology.
  • Preparing the students to work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams within the building industry by providing knowledge in built environment related disciplines relevant to ethical responsibilities and professional obligations in architecture.
  • Preparing the students to acquire and develop creative problem solving and lifelong learning skills including critical thinking and assessment of existing environments, active and experiential learning.
  • Enabling graduates to understand the impact of architecture engineering and planning on society in a global and social context, including various environmental issues.
  • Developing oral and written communication skills, as well as the ability to work effectively in teams.
  • Integrating academic learning with practical experience, in order to enhance professional development, career planning, ability to adapt to different work environments and to engage in lifelong self-learning.
  • Providing students with an understanding of ethics, professional responsibilities, and the role of the engineer in society, taking into account the economic, environmental and cultural impact.

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering


Industrial Engineering involves the synthesis and application of scientific principles to the design, installation, and improvement of integrated systems of people, materials, and equipment to provide the most efficient and effective operating and work environment. It combines principles of human behavior with concepts of engineering procedure and analysis.

Industrial engineers engage in work systems measurement, methodology development and improvement, integration and applications, expert systems, ergonomics and human factors, engineering, safety engineering, reliability engineering, quality assurance, statistical analysis and control, facilities and plant layout, new product development and value engineering, concurrent engineering and project/program management, engineering economy, production planning and control, manufacturing processes, computer modeling and simulation, industrial automation and robotics, materials handling, cost and budgetary control, and operations research studies.

The industrial engineer combines the abilities of an engineer and a manager. These include an aptitude for mathematics, statistics, and economics, as well as the basic engineering sciences, an interest in all kinds of jobs and the machines and people who produce goods, and the ability to analyze, synthesize, and integrate technical knowledge in practical ways.

Industrial engineer’s background, experience, and training give them comprehensive knowledge of industrial problems. Recent development, such as widespread industrial interest in systems design, expert/AI systems, and concurrent engineering, have made the industrial engineers’ entrance into management even more likely, for their training provides familiarity with qualitative and quantitative methods of systems interaction and control. At present, the demand for industrial engineers exceeds the supply, thus assuring job opportunities, with expanded opportunities expected in the future

Department Vision:

“The vision of the Industrial Engineering Department is to be a distinguished department in the educational process, scientific research, cooperation with industrial sectors and community service through cooperation with local, regional, and international organizations.”

Department Mission:

“The mission of the Department of Industrial Engineering is to provide a variety of educational programs in the fields of industrial engineering, and to provide a suitable environment for scientific research and community service through cooperation with local, regional, and international organizations.”


Strategic Objectives:

1) Preparing a qualified industrial engineering graduate with technical and professional capabilities that enable him to work in a competitive engineering environment to develop products and processes.

2) Developing the competencies of industrial engineering graduates to keep pace with the rapid development in the industrial local and international engineering environment.

3) Strengthening the relationship with governmental and private institutions and companies by organizing conferences and seminars, providing short courses and seminars, and enhancing consultancy and industrial services.

4) Developing professional and research work by encouraging scientific publishing and active participation in conferences and professional meetings.

Department of Mechatronics Engineering


Mechatronics is about today’s world. It’s where electronics, computers and mechanics converge to bring the automated devices we use in our everyday lives, both in the home and at work. As society advances technologically, demands have been increasing for mechanical devices with embedded electronics, sensors, actuators, and related systems.

Mechatronics engineering is strongly based on Mechanical Engineering but is a distinctly different discipline. The program provides an interdisciplinary, tightly focused approach to designing automated devices, preparing professionally trained Mechatronics engineers who can have an immediate impact in industry. Mechatronics Programs combine core undergraduate courses in mechanical, selected electronics and software engineering with several option-specific courses in an interdisciplinary approach. Graduates enjoy professional skills in classical machine design and analysis, as well as electronic instrumentation, computer control systems, and software engineering.

As such, Mechatronics Program Graduates are concerned with the design, automation, and operational performance of electro-mechanical systems. They typically use their skills and knowledge about mechanical and electronic processes as well as computers to develop new solutions to industrial problems. In addition, they often become involved in providing technical advice or assistance relating to the creation of new products.

 Department Vision:

To be a pioneer for professional engineers in the field of mechatronics engineering, and to have the graduates of the program with outstanding competencies in technological and scientific research and innovation, entrepreneurship, management, and technology development for the benefit of our country

 Department Mission:

The department is committed to preparing engineers in the field of mechatronics engineering, with scientific and practical competencies and capable of research, innovation, and management, with a commitment to human and ethical values, which contribute to the progress of the country, defend the environment, and affirm our national identity.

 Strategic Objectives:

  1. Developing the levels of educational services provided, which are represented in: faculty members, courses, teaching methods, training, and available educational resources. And that this development corresponds to the progress made in the field of information technology and its applications, to the extent that guarantees the graduation of cadres capable of meeting the needs of the labor market.
  2. The mechatronics engineering program provides graduates with the skills necessary to design a solution to a specific problem using engineering components (hardware and software) in order to achieve the desired goals.
  3. The graduates’ aptly contribution as individuals or as work teams in solving engineering problems and the ability to communicate effectively within the team and with clients.
  4. Develop graduates’ knowledge of current technologies important to mechatronics engineering. They are expected to gain proficiency in the use of modern engineering techniques and tools, with a focus on the role of design, manufacturing, and the use of intelligent control systems in the development of the national industry.
  5. Providing advanced education in mechatronics engineering for technical and non-technical disciplines.
  6. Appreciate and understand the impact of mechatronics engineering and technology in a global and social context including environmental issues.
  7. Develop students’ and alumni’s understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.
  8. Demonstrate the graduates’ ability to engage in lifelong learning in their profession as well as contemporary issues related to their profession and the society in which they live and work.
  9. Graduates from the department will have the ability to continue their education in leading graduate programs in specialized engineering fields to graduate researchers and experts.
  10. Graduates from the department will have the ability to assume leadership and leadership positions.

Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering


The Electrical Power and Machinery Engineering program aims to prepare engineers at the professional level to plan and design electrical power generation plants and manage renewable energy. This program is also an essential supporter of major development projects in Egypt and its regional surroundings. The program is designed to graduate electrical engineers specialized in power systems and electrical machines, as well as the operation and control of electrical power transmission and distribution networks with different voltages. These engineers will also obtain high-tech applications in combating environmental pollution and in various industrial processes. The study in the Department of Power Engineering and Electrical Machinery includes various specializations such as electrical power generation plants, electrical network systems, electrical protection systems, high voltage, electrical machines, power electronics, automatic control, electrical measurements and devices, electrical uses and installations, electrical systems planning, and smart grids. Electrical power and machinery engineers work in many sectors such as: electricity generation, distribution and transmission companies, the Ministry of Electricity and Energy and asissting bodies, the New and Renewable Energy Authority, the petroleum and petrochemical sectors, electrical appliances and equipment factories, electronics factories, iron and steel factories, contracting companies and electrical consulting offices, reactors. Nuclear power, electrical control centers, military institutions, universities, and scientific development and research centers. Electrical power and machinery engineers perform various roles, including operation, maintenance, planning, control, designs, and testing of electrical power devices, equipment, and systems, as well as research, development, and quality assurance, in addition to engineering consultations.


Department Vision:

“The Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering (PME) aspires to be a local and regional leader in university education, scientific research, and community service in the fields of electrical power and machines engineering.”

 Department Mission:

The  Electrical Power and Machines Engineering (PME) Program is committed to preparing distinguished graduates, scientifically and practically, who are able to compete locally and regionally in the scientific and research fields, interact with the challenges and problems of society, and develop its resources within a framework of ethical commitment.


Strategic Objectives:

  1. Maintaining leadership, competitiveness, and a distinguished reputation in the fields of education and qualification for scientific research and community service, regarding electrical power and machines engineering.
  2. Graduating several graduates to work professionally and with distinction in all fields of electrical power and machines engineering and their multiple applications.
  3. Preparing engineers with the necessary technical skills in the fields of electrical power and machines engineering and raising the program status and reputation locally and regionally.
  4. Preparing engineers to work as effective team members who are fluent in communication skills and can advance in their working lives and keep pace with professional developments.
  5. Adopting the highest international standards and raising the level of the educational program to qualify it for local and international accreditation and improve its position in the international classification.
  6. Preparing engineers who respect the ethics of the profession and work traditions in their field of specialization and transfer them to their community.
  7. Providing scientific and applied services and consultations to all sectors of the state and the private sector.
  8. Dissemination and development of engineering knowledge in the field of electrical power and machines engineering to engineers in various fields of work.
  9. Conducting and publishing scientific research in the field of electrical power and machines and improving the global ranking of the college and university.
  10. Holding scientific conferences, symposia, and seminars to keep pace with scientific development in electrical power and machines and to contribute to sustainable development.
  11. Qualifying students and graduates of the program in the field of scientific research, innovation, and the pursuit of international publishing.
  12. Employ the available resources and capabilities to obtain international academic accreditation in accordance with quality assurance standards.
  13. Graduates from the department will have the ability to continue their education in leading graduate programs in the areas of the department’s subspecialties to graduate researchers and experts.
  14.  Focusing on the academic components that will keep pace with market needs and ensure economic development

Department of Computer and Software Engineering


The Department of Computer and Software Engineering encompasses a variety of computer fields, from designing and modeling devices used in computer systems to configuring large systems and computer networks, including embedded systems and computer programs. Applications of computer and software engineering incorporate the design of high-precision processors for embedded systems, including special hardware for computing systems from microprocessors to supercomputers. Upon the completion of the Computer and Software Engineering program, the student will gain a foundation in basic sciences, applied and electrical mathematics, and computing hardware and software. Several courses are offered by the program to accommodate individual interests and specific career goals through electives in subspecialties. During the final year, students are allowed to choose technical electives in either one or more majors. Graduates of the Computer and Software Engineering Program find job opportunities in governmental, industrial, and educational institutions, where there are also opportunities for individual work in the field of technical implementation and consulting. Specific jobs for which computer engineers are prepared include hardware design, design automation, VLSI design, expert systems, fault-tolerant design, software engineering, digital communications, artificial systems development, computer networking, and computer engineering.

Department Vision:

“Excellence and leadership in computer and software engineering at the national and international levels.”

Department Mission:

The Computer and Software Engineering Program is committed to preparing a qualified graduate specialized in computers and software with high efficiency and a distinguished academic level based on enhancing the innovation energies of the student and researcher while adhering to comprehensive quality standards in engineering education, research and community service, which qualifies him to compete in the local and regional labor markets. He also has the ability to be creative, innovative and entrepreneurial, and produce distinguished scientific research locally and internationally in keeping with modern scientific and technological developments within a framework of values and social responsibility.

Strategic Objectives:

  1. Providing students with the ability to apply knowledge in computer and software engineering based on a solid foundation of mathematics, physical sciences, and modern technology.
  2. Provide students with professionalism, leadership, lifelong learning, and the ability to work and research.
  3. Providing students with various skills and knowledge, which qualifies graduates to practice the profession of computer engineering in various practical fields and to be accepted into prestigious postgraduate programs.
  4. Provide students with the ability to apply basic knowledge, appropriate mathematical principles, computing tools and critical thinking, as well as best practices in analysis and design processes.
  5. Providing students with an educational basis that enhances the values of creativity, teamwork, leadership, and communication skills, and prepares them in a way that allows the ability to learn along various career paths that serve the community and contribute to solving its problems.
  6. Provide an environment that enables students to achieve their goals in a program that supports innovation and entrepreneurship

Department of Biomedical Engineering


The department seeks to achieve its mission – which is the same as the college’s mission – by participating in upgrading the necessary support for community health services by providing a distinguished educational and training program, to qualify competitive cadres locally and globally in the professional branches of biomedical engineering, and to conduct distinguished scientific research in various applied fields of biomedical engineering.

The department aims to continuously develop and enhance quality applications of the biomedical engineering program and its activities in accordance with quality standards and academic accreditation and to support and provide an excellent environment for the dissemination of applied research.

Specialization also aims to participate effectively in the service and development of the Egyptian and regional society and to establish effective partnerships in educational organizations and distinguished research centers internally and externally

Department Vision:

“The department aspires for the medical engineering program to become one of the leading and distinguished programs regionally and globally, which foster creativity and attract distinguished students”.

Department Mission:

The department is committed to providing a distinguished higher education that gives the knowledge to students and skills that meet the requirements of the increasing labor market and contribute to the development of society. That will qualify cadres to be capable of competition, through efficient human resources, an attractive educational environment, an effective research and community partnership, and a supportive administrative system.

Strategic Objectives:

  • Providing a specialization that enjoys scarcity and distinguishes the Faculty of Engineering at MUST.
  • The flexibility of the program allows it to cooperate with foreign educational institutions and exchange experiences, as well as cooperate with various centers of expertise.
  • Benefiting from the university capabilities and the expertise of its faculty members in the relevant fields of (engineering, medicine, and science) in general and biomedical engineering in particular.
  • Interesting in research and development activities leading to innovations in the field of medical technology; in transferring that medical technology for marketing.
  • Intensifying the use of computers in all medical fields by updating and developing existing software and inventing new computer systems that primarily support the physician in performing the diagnostic and therapeutic mission.
  • Inculcating the distinguished moral values of our societies, which leads to the student’s assuming his responsibility towards his society.
  • Developing oral and written communication skills, as well as the ability to work effectively in teams.

Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering


Electronics and communications engineers are essential to almost every industry. It is in fact difficult to imagine a modern industry which does not require the services of them. With applications that span the very small, such as nano-technology and biomedicine, to the very large, such as the exploration of outer space and study of remote stars, Electronics Communications Engineering has been and continues to be a corner stone in every new technical development. Communication networks, manufacturing plants, computer hardware and software developers, all depend strongly on the expertise of electronics and communications engineers.

The job of electronics and communications engineers usually involves design, feasibility studies, cost analysis studies, installation, operation, and maintenance of plants, processes, or equipment. In addition, an engineer with higher education and experience can train or educate students and other fellow engineers in his/her field of expertise. Such engineering educators are usually actively involved in research.

The focus of the electronics and communications engineering department is on teaching, community service, and research. The department recognizes the need to provide the graduating engineer with the appropriate background in order to meet the challenges and large demands of a fast-growing country. Courses and programs are developed accordingly. For example, junior level students are required to complete summer training at one of the local industries. Often times these students come back with ideas for their senior year graduation projects, which is also a requirement. The department offers an engineering program leading to the professional degree of B.Sc. in Electronics and Communications Engineering.

Qualified students can complete the program in 10 semesters (5 years). All students are required to complete the core Electronics and Communications Engineering courses, which prepare the future engineer to have the fundamentals required by all the local industries. The students are then allowed to choose from a large number of elective courses in order to specialize in one of the four major fields offered.


Department Vision:

“The vision of the Electronics and Communications Engineering Department is to attain a special program in the learning field related to the communications and electronics systems and to be a leading program in the scientific research field locally and internationally and also provide special social services.”

Department Mission:

“Preparing a distinguished graduate in the field of electronics and communications engineering with competence and skill in the local and international labor market, presenting distinguished scientific research, and keeping up with modern scientific and technological developments, including applications of artificial intelligence and advanced cellular networks, which serve the local and international community within the framework of moral values and social responsibility.”

Strategic Objectives:

  1. The development of the levels of educational services provided, represented by: faculty staff, courses, teaching methods, training, and available educational resources, and the compatibility of this development with the progress in the field of Information Technology and its applications, to the extent that it ensures the graduation of cadres capable of meeting the needs of the labor market.
  2. The Electronics and Communications Engineering program provides graduates with the skills necessary to design a solution to a specific problem using engineering components (hardware and software) to achieve the desired goals.
  3. Graduates are able to contribute effectively as individuals or as teams in solving engineering problems and have the ability to communicate effectively within the team and with customers.
  4. Develop graduates’ knowledge of the current important technologies for electronics and communications engineering. It is expected that they will acquire the skills to use modern engineering technologies and tools, with a focus on the role of design, manufacturing, and the use of intelligent control systems in the development of the national industry.
  5. Provide advanced education in electronics and communications engineering for technical and non-technical specializations.
  6. Appreciate and understand the impact of electronics and communications engineering and technology in a global and social context, including environmental issues.
  7. Develop students’ and graduates’ understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.
  8. Demonstrate graduates’ ability to engage in lifelong learning in their profession, as well as contemporary issues related to their profession and the society in which they live and work.
  9. Graduates of the department will be able to continue their education in leading graduate programs in specialized engineering fields to graduate researchers and experts.

Department of Basic Sciences.

Dean's word
Strategic Goals

College Vision

The Faculty of Engineering at Misr University for Science and Technology aspires to occupy a leading position recognized at the local, regional and international levels as an educational institution that provides advanced engineering programs, applied scientific research, and high-quality community services.

College Mission

The Faculty of Engineering at Misr University for Science and Technology is committed to preparing distinguished engineers who are able to compete locally and regionally in the scientific, research, and ethical aspects, by creating the appropriate conditions for faculty members and their assistants. The college also contributes to community service and solving its problems, within the framework of commitment to the organizing rules of the community.



Dean's word

Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Misr University for Science and Technology!

As we continue to excel in industry-inspired learning and research through application, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Misr University for Science and Technology is positioned to enable its graduates to meet the human and industrial challenges in the light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to be the technological leaders of the future. With the ultimate goal of positioning our students to be the best employable engineers in the field, with state-of-the-art industry capabilities and utmost ethical standards, graduates of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Misr University for Science and Technology ultimately stand to make a real difference in the region and beyond, as well-equipped and capable global citizens to improve general human life. Our goal is to prepare our engineers to be problem solvers, project leaders, and citizens who have an eye on serving people in Egypt and the global community and to have the highest communication skills, as well. Our rich educational experience combines intellectual rigor with a breadth of disciplines in a warm environment. The faculty close collaboration with the university  exceptional collection of excellent professional schools creates a wealth of learning opportunities and research options. Hands-on learning and project-based activities provide our students with extensive laboratory and design experiences, as well as one-to-one interaction with faculty who are distinguished at the forefront of their fields. This exceptional engineering education prepares our graduates for a rewarding, lifelong career.

Out of our commitment to student-centered education, applied research, and community development, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Misr University for Science and Technology defends our close relations and cooperation with recognized academic institutions and industries inside and outside Egypt. Since its emergence, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Misr University for Science and Technology has sought to build on the core values of its parent institution to enrich society through cultural fame, scientific intelligence, and pioneering research. Where engineering excellence, scientific research, and technical innovation meet leadership and quality, we guarantee that you will find the Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Misr University for Science and Technology thriving to make things happen. Because of this, it is my sincere invitation to you to join us in doing so.

I firmly believe that through the clear strategy of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Misr University for Science and Technology and with your support, the Faculty of Engineering will continue to grow, progress and excel to adapt to the complex and ever-changing demands of the 21st century. It gives me great pleasure to work with our team at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Misr University for Science and Technology where individuals are deeply committed to the shared vision of excellent teaching and learning and the dissemination of knowledge inside and outside Egypt. To this end, I invite and encourage you to visit our college, call or write.

Prof. Dr. Maged Ezzat George Basta

Dean, College of Engineering

Strategic Goals

The strategic goals of the college can be summarized in the following points:

  1. Preparing a graduate capable of competing in the labor market locally and regionally by providing advanced educational programs.
  2. Creating and developing an educational environment to improve teaching and learning systems to achieve creativity and innovation.
  3. Raising the efficiency of scientific research and developing its resources to produce distinguished scientific research locally, regionally, and internationally.
  4. Enhancing community participation, developing the environment, and developing the college’s own resources.
  5. Developing the capabilities of faculty members and the supporting staff to improve the efficiency of the educational and research process.
  6. Establishing a system of continuous evaluation and quality management to achieve the objectives of the college, through regular review and continuous evaluation.

Program Objectives

Provide students with strong foundation in basic sciences, mathematics, engineering fundamentals, analysis and design methodologies.

Students will acquire the kind of critical thinking and creativity needed for successful development by gaining the leadership and management skills that will create effective teams and communication routines.

Engage in adopting and developing new technology.

Provide technical leadership in a broad range of process industries.

Learn new models, techniques, and technologies as they emerge.

Employ current theories, models and techniques that provide a basis for problem Identification and analysis, design, implementation, validation

and verification, evolution and documentation.

Graduates of the program are prepared to:
Work in a professional manner individually or as a team member to create, present, and deliver quality engineering products, projects, and services.  MUST graduates are bound to maintain ethical, social, legal, ecological, and economical Standards.

Build capability to reconcile conflicts in projects while preserving the objectives and find optimal solutions within limitations of safety, serviceability, functionality, cost and time.

Scientific Degrees

The College of Engineering – Misr University for Science and Technology awards the following scientific degrees:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Construction Engineering.
  2. Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Engineering.
  3. Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering.
  4. Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Software Engineering
  5. Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communications Engineer
  6. Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Power and Machines Engineering
  7. Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering
  8. Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Power Engineering
  9. Bachelor’s degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Students Affairs

Strategic Objectives


Providing integrated educational and student services within an effective system of quality education and engineering development in an effort to graduate a distinguished engineer capable of competing in the labor market.




Developing the educational process to ensure a distinguished position for the college among engineering education institutions in Egypt and abroad.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Developing educational programs and courses according to the needs of the local and regional labor market.
  2. Raising the efficiency of the educational process in the departments and providing teaching and learning resources.
  3. Enhancing the capabilities of continuing education and developing the skills of scientific research among students.
  4. Activating the college’s role in building the student’s personality.
  5. Activating the field training system in the labor market institutions and developing the skills of students.
  6. Expanding student activities, creating new activities and encouraging students to participate in them.
  7. Providing academic support to college students.
  8. Developing an approach to attract international students from all over the world.
  9. Developing the electronic structure system of the college.
  10. Activating communication with graduates and owners of labor market institutions.

Community and Environment

Strategic Objectives


Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs at the College of Engineering aspires to be an effective entity to contribute to the organization and implementation of various programs for community service and environmental development in accordance with the needs of the community by developing strategies and mechanisms for providing community and environmental services and achieving an effective partnership between the college and community parties.




Developing the community service and environmental development system to ensure a distinguished position for the college among community institutions in Egypt and abroad.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Preparing a plan for community service and environmental development affairs, in coordination with the scientific departments.
  2. Organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops in the field of community service and environmental affairs.
  3. Providing real training opportunities for faculty members and alumni.
  4. Participating in crisis management, occupational safety and health, and maintaining the work environment.
  5. Communicating with the graduates in all the activities carried out by the college.
  6. Encouraging applied research and participating in solving community problems.
  7. Measuring and evaluating civil society’s satisfaction with the performance of the organization and the graduates.
  8. Providing engineering consultancy and contributing to solving the combined problems.
  9. Encouraging the financing of applied research, especially in solving environmental problems.

Quality Assurance Unit

Strategic Goals


The college administration seeks to introduce and establish a culture of regular self-evaluation, continuous improvement, and assurance of total quality by creating a common language for the concept of quality and spreading awareness among the academic, administrative, and student community in the college, in order to ensure quality, accreditation and participation in the service of the environment, facing the challenges of rapid development and gaining the trust of the community in all outputs The education system of graduates, research, professional and community services, in line with national, regional and international standards.

            The college administration is keen to establish and activate quality assurance systems in all components of the education system in the College of Engineering and to provide continuous assistance to the various departments to implement quality assurance standards in all fields and in their academic programs in accordance with national and international standards and in accordance with the mission of the college and then qualify it to accredit academic programs in addition to its accreditation As an educational institution recognized locally, regionally and internationally.

            In application of the educational quality assurance standards, the College of Engineering, through the Quality Assurance Unit in the college, has implemented specific mechanisms that target the following areas: program and course descriptions, program target learning outcomes, course target learning outcomes, questionnaires, and various evaluation forms, course file, program and course report, continuous development, Program self-evaluation scales, program self-study form, academic accreditation (local and international). In its work, the Quality Assurance Unit relies on a policy of decentralization in the implementation of work to ensure the consolidation of quality concepts and the achievement of continuous development in the institution.


The Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Engineering – Misr University for Science and Technology is committed to following up and managing the quality of performance to ensure quality in all elements of the educational system, research activities, and community service provided by the faculty, to achieve total quality and academic accreditation.



The Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Engineering – Misr University for Science and Technology aspires to be at the top of the university’s quality units through its adoption of national quality standards, leading to the faculty’s accreditation.

Strategic Goals

Establishing an internal system for quality and performance evaluation through:

  1. Establishing a clear system for quality in the college to raise the level of each of the educational systems provided by the faculty members, as well as bringing the college graduates to a distinguished level commensurate with local and national standards.
  2. Spreading the culture of quality and ensuring accreditation among faculty members, their assistants, all faculty staff, and students, and raising awareness of the concept of performance evaluation and quality assurance, while rooting the university environment culture that supports innovation, its values, ​​and ethics.
  3. Gaining the confidence of the community in the outcomes of the educational process in the college by consolidating the relationship between the college and the community to develop and improve the services provided by the college.
  4. Creating a database for the college that includes (faculty members – faculty assistants – college staff and workers – college students – college programs – academic degrees granted by the college – programs and courses specifications – identifying the stakeholder of the college graduates and their requirements) to be a basis for supporting the adoption of the college decision.
  5. Developing a system for measuring and evaluating performance at the college (academic reference standards – educational program – the quality of job opportunities – community participation – research and other scientific activities – effectiveness of quality management and improvement).
  6. Presenting various proposals and recommendations related to the implementation of the quality system in the college and the implementation of those studies to achieve the objectives of the unit, and to prepare the college for the stage of a comprehensive evaluation of performance for accreditation in the coming years.
  7. Supporting continuous improvement processes by directing those in charge of various development activities in each field to keep pace with quality levels constantly.

The college of Engineering was established in 1996 to serve Egypt, the Arab countries and the region. We prepare our graduates to perform and execute their responsibilities competitively in an industrialized challenging world at the information technology revolution era while maintaining our heritage.